Support Committee

This committee is made up of people from outside our association who share our ambitions and values.

Some of the members are an integral part of the design and realization of this boat, without their advice and supervision our boat would not be what it is.
Some members are political, sports or pioneering personalities who are enthusiastic about the realization of our project. Without them, the influence and impact of our project would not have the scope it has today.

Raphaël Domjan

Eco-explorer and speaker
Initiator and pilot of Solar Stratos

We are proud this year to have Mr. Raphaël Domjan as sponsor of our association. An eco-explorer and pioneer of solar mobility, Raphaël knew about our project before we presented it to him. From the outset, Raphaël was won over and offered us his support. We are proud to have such a personality as the figurehead of this support committee.

Switzerland has always been a pioneer in the realization of adventures in solar-powered cars, boats and airplanes. Thanks to this tradition of showing the full potential of photovoltaic energy and to the high technical and scientific skills developed at the EPFL, the Swiss Solar Boat team is carrying out an ambitious and exciting project. I wish it every success at the Monaco competition in 2021.

Véronique Michaud

Head of Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites (LPAC)

I am impressed by the ambition and involvement of the students to design and build such a structure, and we at LPAC are happy to be able to contribute by making our skills available as much as possible and thereby introduce a large number of students to the joys (and difficulties!) of composites.

Robin Amacher

Operations Manager, DLL-STI Materials and Bioengineering

The Swiss Solar Boat team demonstrates day after day that by working together it is possible to achieve great things. Coming from a wide variety of theoretical backgrounds, these students put their knowledge into practice to create a boat that is innovative and resolutely turned towards a more sustainable future. I have no doubt that this adventure will make them better engineers, fully aware of the challenges that the professional world has in store for them.

Julien Delisle

Coordinator of Interdisciplinary Student Projects at EPFL

In the portfolio of student projects at EPFL, Swiss Solar Boat is often mentioned as an example. I am always surprised by the innovative aspect of the prototype that the Swiss Solar Boat team is developing, a prototype that requires students from different backgrounds to work together and to demonstrate outstanding professionalism. It is an exceptional formative experience that I am sure will be useful for their future career as engineers.


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